Shop Re-Opening - Cascade Juggling

Shop Re-Opening

Well what a crazy few months we have just been through. We hope you’re doing okay and let’s hope the worst is now behind us!

As many of you may know we have been operating throughout doing online orders only and keeping people occupied with learning new skills or improving existing ones.

Along with everyone else we have been following the governments latest advice carefully and are now in a position where opening is being allowed.

After reviewing the guidance we appreciate our shop is probably quite a hard one, a lot of products you want to touch and try before buying and this is not ideal given the situation. We have been discussing how our shop re-opening was going to look for a while and have decided to begin with quite a limited offering. It is also not going to be business as usual just yet, we would love to see you all and have a chat about things, however for now we have only opened the very front of the shop. We are still offering Click and Collect which you will be able to pick up at any point throughout the day.

We will be reviewing how things are working and what we can change and improve on in the coming weeks. You can see our latest hours here.

Thanks to you all who have continued to support us and we really hope to see you all very soon!

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